Our Traditional Ways
Our Traditional Ways
We work cooperatively together for the good of our people.
Our Traditional Ways
All natural things are our brothers and sisters… they have things to teach us if we are aware and listen.
Our Traditional Ways
We live in harmony within the circle of life, with all natural things, with our community and with ourselves.
Our Traditional Ways
Our older children look after their younger brothers and sisters.
Our Traditional Ways
We honor the old ones for their wisdom. They are not cast aside, but continue to hold a place of honor in our families and communities.
Our Traditional Ways
We prize a good sense of humor… especially when directed at one’s self.
Our Traditional Ways
We respect the visions of others.
Our Traditional Ways
People of old often return to whisper wise thoughts.
Our Traditional Ways
Our way is giving and sharing… if someone is greedy, he will lose everything in the end.
Our Traditional Ways
We honor a person for what they have done for the people… not for what they have done for themselves.
Our Traditional Ways
Our traditional way is to feed and make strangers comfortable.
Our Traditional Ways
We have a proud heritage that continues to live and grow within us.