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School Board Goals


Goal 1

Through a rigorous academic experience rooted in cultural teachings, we will give our students the courage and space to amplify their voices in a society of barriers, erasure, and colonialism.

Strong native teachings will be infused into a holistic education that prepares and empowers students to be healthy and successful.

Goal 2

We will continue to engage all members of the community and school staff in honest, respectful, consistent communication

Goal 3

We will ensure high levels of learning and growth by our students by targeting increases in the following areas:

·          Overall Student Growth Percentages in English Language Arts

·          Overall Student Growth Percentages in Math

·          Our graduation rate will exceed BIE averages

Goal 4

We will create an environment that welcomes all to our campus and recognizes the individuality of students and staff. An environment that is safe and inviting, free from harassment, intimidation, and bullying.