Health Services
Health Services
Our partnership with Puyallup Tribal Health Authority and our school nurse provide health and social services to promote a healthy school community and maximize educational outcomes.
All students who require medication at school must have a signed note from their Primary Care Provider on file in the health room.
We are starting vision and hearing screening for students in 1st, 3rd and 5th grades. You will be notified of any abnormal findings. Please don’t hesitate to call or stop in with any concerns or questions.
Too Sick for School?
We miss our students when they are not at school, but if your child is too sick to come to school, please keep them at home until they are well enough to return. We want all of our students to be happy, healthy and ready to learn while they are at school.
When is your child too sick to come to school?
- Fever of 100 degrees or higher
- Vomiting or Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- Body rash
- Head lice
- Eye infection
- Hospital visit
When is your child able to return to school?
- Fever free for 24 hours (without medication)
- Once student has been treated for infection or lice and/or cleared by doctor.
Staci Gunnell