After School Athletic Transportation
Transportation home after athletic practice is available to all approved students. A student must be approved by the athletic director and their name submitted to transportation by the athletic director prior to transportation being set up. Once transportation receives a child’s name as an approved student, they will contact the parent/guardian to confirm that transportation is needed for that child. Since we have a limited number of buses that are available for the ASA transportation, we are not able to service all home stops. If your home is farther out, you may need to meet the bus at a meet point to receive your child. Transportation will notify you if you need to go to a meet stop prior to starting transportation for your child.
Parents will need to pick up their students after an away game or a home game that ends after 5:45pm when the ASA buses leave the school each day.
Due to the limited number of buses, we are not able to accommodate temporary changes on the ASA routes. An exception may be made if your child needs to ride home with another student that will be riding the bus home on the day of request. If that student does not ride the bus, we are not able to make the change for the additional student. The routes are changed daily to meet the current days need. Permanent changes to a student’s drop off location will be accommodated with 48-hour notice to transportation prior to the start of the change.
**All safety rules and regulations must be observed when riding Chief Leschi buses including the after school athletic buses. Please read the bus rules on the transportation web page under “Rules and Guidelines.”**