Elementary STEM Program
STEM education at Chief Leschi Schools utilizes engaging approaches for student-centered learning. With a focus on inquiry based instruction, CLS’s STEM program model focuses on integrated units of study, that are meaningful and relevant to our students and the community of Tacoma.
Our STEM classroom is a blended learning environment with experiential learning opportunities to inspire curiosity and provide an opportunity for expression. Our approach to scientific inquiry and standards based curriculum prompts our students to form deeper questions from multiple perspectives.
Most importantly the STEM approach focuses on building a solid foundation in math conceptual understanding and procedural fluency that drives everything from design and experimentation, to sustainable and successful outcomes. CLS’s students don’t just invent things, they follow industry standard practices that include testing, collecting data, utilizing that data in a meaningful way and presenting their findings to others.
We are building a unique program that connects the classroom to stewardship, empowering students to take action and educate others as they move along the path toward 21st century careers.
STEM Domains for a Blended Learning Environment
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Elementary Teacher