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Program Agenda



Each class begins with a greeting activity, instructional video, or focus music and movement.

A five minute, standards aligned, math and art activity or story. (students document their activities daily in their planners)

Exit ticket. 

Students will participate in a hands on STEM activity/workshop or on lab days they will be gradually released into their assigned exhibit. As the year progresses students earn proficiency in each exhibit.


Each class will utilize a STEM approach to a NGSS aligned “challenge/investigation/experiment/project”

Each grade level will focus on age-appropriate practices and procedures aligned with NGSS and the Eureka math curriculum’s scope and sequence.

Science Fair will take place in May 2020. Check back for exact date. 

Examples of classroom exploration exhibits to be released in to the STEM lab over the duration of the year:

Sound lab (4 students)

Animation Studio (4 students)

Textiles/Handcrafts (6 students)

Raspberry Pi Coding Station (2 students)

Painting (6 students)

Sculpting (6 students)

Lego/Robotics (6 students)

Microscope (2 students)

Gravity Boards (2 students)

Marble Run (4 students)

Wind Tunnel (4 students)

Blocks/Modeling (2-4 students)

Light Tables (3 students)

Small Light Table (1 student)

Large Light Table (2 student)

Rockhounding (6 students)

Maker Space (2-4 students)

Cardboard Rivets (2 students)

and more… 


Natalie Salo, M.Ed.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Elementary Teacher